Paschal offers 15 minute ‘check in’ private consultations with guests each evening between 5:30pm and 7:30pm in order to reflect on anything that may have arisen during their day on retreat.
For Group retreats, Evening ‘Check-ins’ are done in Iontas, the Wellness Room as a group. It can prove to be a unifying experience for a group as often similarities of a common hidden awareness come to the fore. Whilst it is recommended, individual participation is not mandatory.

Glendalough Sanctuary is located on the side of a steep slope overlooking the valley which means that in order to access the accommodation in our lodges, the guest must descend 30 steps and visa versa.
Within our meditation and treatment rooms, we can accommodate small and medium groups. Toilet facilities are provided capable of access for persons of ambulant disability.
Please note that the confines of the existing structures do not allow for full disabled/wheelchair access.
We are constantly trying to upgrade the service we provide and may be able to improve accessibility in the future.

Cuirimid dhá spás álainn ar leith ar fáil ar féidir leo 8-10 duine a choinneáil go compordach agus a d’fhéadfadh feidhmiú mar sheomraí cóireála freisin. Is féidir iad seo a chomhcheangal le seomra mór amháin le radhairc thar an ngleann agus is féidir leo freastal ar ghrúpaí 20* duine.
Le haghaidh áirithinte, déan teagmháil linn le do thoil.

Cistiní lánfheistithe lena n-áirítear Tae agus Caife moltach a chuirtear ar fáil i gcistiní ar theacht dóibh.

Teas lárnach ola

Laistigh de achar siúil chuig siopa grósaera agus bia orgánach, bialanna.