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Frequencies of Light / Quantum Pleiadian Holistic Therapy

vie, 26 may


Glendalough Sanctuary

Join Eduardo Chianca Rocha for a weekend of private healing sessions, a transformational ceremony of consciousness and an evening class from May 26th-28th.

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Frequencies of Light / Quantum Pleiadian Holistic Therapy
Frequencies of Light / Quantum Pleiadian Holistic Therapy

Time & Location

26 may 2023, 19:00 – 29 may 2023, 21:00

Glendalough Sanctuary , Derrybawn, Co. Wicklow, A98 VK68, Ireland

About the Event

For further details about these events, please contact the UK and Ireland representative Corina on 0044 737 609 9034 via (WhatsApp) or call Martha 086 189 3819

Friday 26th: Evening Class:  Frequencies of Light 7-9pm Cost Euro 40 

This is a class that provides a cosmic overview of the multidimensional and holographic reality of the universe that we as human beings belong to but due to the drop of consciousness that affects most of our modern civilization, the natural connection to the Higher Self (The Divine Spirit) has been blocked, keeping humanity in a slave state of solely a physical perspective of their reality. 

In the new era of Aquarius, there is an abundance of help and support from the cosmic enregies of the Pleiades (Alcyone star) light beings (we can call angels), and humans that are awakening their consciousness as well. 

In this process, humanity will rescue their natuarl intuitive capabilities and sense that are more powerful than the scientific rational mins, transforming human beings in a cosmic consciousness, like a creator divinity. 

Satyrady Transformational Ceremony of Consciousness: 6.30pm-9.30pm Cost Euro 40

A shamanic, multidimensional ceremony with the partnership of light beings (pleiadians and Syrians) that are helping all humanity to reconnect to its divine essence, or the Higher Self, during this planetary transition time, which started by 2012, as the beginning of the new era of Light (Aquarius). 

During the ritual (and beyond) special frequencies of light are activated to improve your spiritual awareness, though a cleansing of the pineal gland (crown Chakra) and any fear and traumas from a past life, stored at the reptilian complex (cerebellum memory). 

Harmonization also occurs at sublte energy fields (aura) and vortexes (chakras). 

Private Healing Sessions: Friday between 7pm-9pm & 7-9pm on Saturday 

Between 10am-5pm Cost Euro 100 for one session. The Healing Sessions are approximately one hour. 

Eduardo dialogues with participants regarding current or repetitive emotional, spiritual and physical challenges. He then provides a crystal reading of the chakras to affirm the blockages or identify possible unknown areas needing attentioan and healing. 

Eduardo then ptactices the technique of Frequencies of Light: Utilizing shamanic sounds and healing movements on all chakras of the body, addressing any imbalances. 

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